Sunday, April 6, 2008

Who Does Charlie Work For?

A Short Story Written By Troy

Charlie stood up and glanced around the office. Everyone was gone. It was six in the evening and it would take him the better part of three hours to get the drawings up to the point where they might be presentable to a client. He sat down again, picked up the phone, and dialed his home.
”Sally? This is Charlie, how are you?”

“I’m fine Mr. Whill how are you?”

“Good, I need to stay late again. Do you mind staying late and putting Robert to bed tonight for me?”

“Sure, Mr. Whill that isn’t a problem. But after 6:30 its overtime.”

“I know Sally, Thank you. I’ll be home quite late tonight”

Charlie put the phone down turned to the monitor again, stared at his design for awhile, and then began working again.


It was after 1 when he finally got home. He paid Sally for babysitting. She left and Charlie began to get ready for bed. He locked up the house and headed to his room upstairs. The house was quiet and all he could hear was the clock on the wall. Sitting at the top of the stairs was Robert in his pajamas.

“Hi pal, what are you doing awake this late?”

“You have to work this weekend again?”

“Yeah, I sure do Son, a little. How was your day today?”

Charlie turned and sat on the step next to Robert.

“Did you play hard today? It’s important that a boy your age play hard and spend time with his friends. It makes me happy when you play.”

“I played hard today Father”

Charlie rubbed Roberts head and inspected a small scratch on his forehead.

“I see you have been playing hard. How did this happen?”

“Tommy Allen crashed into me while we were riding bikes in front of the house. He said he was sorry.”

“Of course he was. He’s your best Bud after all. Son, I’m very proud of you for your choice in friends. Tommy Allen is a very good friend. I want you to have lots of fun with him every chance you get. Understand?”

Robert nodded his head. “I’ll play with him again tomorrow, Father.”

Charlie smiled at Robert and leaned over to kiss the scratch on his forehead then picked him up by the hand.

“Common, lets go to bed now. It’s late”

Charlie put him to bed and turned the light out in Roberts’s room when Robert then asked:

“Father, why do you work so much?”

Charlie stood in the hall light and paused…”This is not an easy question to answer Son but it is an important question. Ask me again in the morning during our Saturday talk, Okay?  Goodnight”.


For several years now, every Saturday morning was carefully scheduled and reserved as “Saturday talk time”. It was a time when Charlie and his Son would sit in the study together and talk. It usually ranged from four to five hours. Anything and everything was open for discussion. Charlie normally asked Robert all about school, his friends, what he was learning, what he had seen, how he was feeling, what he was interested in, and generally all aspects of their lives together. Both Charlie and Robert had grown to love and look forward to these talks. Robert loved to learn about his son’s life and was constantly amazed at his development. Robert loved to learn his father’s opinions and thoughts on things he didn’t understand or was curious about.


In the morning Robert got dressed and went down to the kitchen and found his father preparing breakfast. “Morning Robert. Breakfast is almost ready, have a seat.” Charlie finished breakfast and they both sat together eating in silence. These were wonderful times for Robert. Sitting in silence with his father. The kitchen double doors opened wide to the garden with its trees and singing morning birds. The cool morning air and the warm dawn sunlight filled the room. He enjoyed sitting with his father during breakfast… in silence. He liked to watch him eat.

“I’ve got many things to tell you about Father.”

“Oh? That’s good. I’ve got some things I’ve wanted to tell you also.”

They finished their breakfast, washed the dishes, and headed upstairs to the study.  The study was a long and skinny room with a large glass alcove at the end. The alcove had windows that stretched from floor to ceiling and projected out from the building, designed by Charlie three years ago specifically for Saturday talk time. The alcove looked out over the top of the tree line and had enough room for two large fluffy chairs that faced each other.

“Robert, go open the alcove windows while I make some coffee.” Robert scurried over to the alcove and opened the windows to the cool air and song birds. He then took his normal seat and waited. Charlie soon walked over and sat in his chair, held his warm coffee between his hands, leaned forward, and asked: “Well now, tell me about how you crashed and got that scratch on your head?”

And with this it began. A four hour conversation about every aspect of each of their lives over the past week. Robert was so eager to tell his father everything and Charlie always asked the right questions to keep him talking. Robert was also good at turning the questions around back onto his father. The exchange was always effortless and the time seemed to float by without notice. Charlie looked at his watch, saw it was almost noon, and said:

“Before we end this Saturday talk is there anything else you would like to ask me?” 

“Yes, the question I asked you last night. Why do you work so much Father?”

Charlie grinned.

“I though you had forgotten. Robert, I’m very proud of you for asking this question. You have asked it long before I though you would have. This isn’t an easy answer. Do you think you have the patience to sit and listen?”

“Yes, Father. As long as it takes.”

Robert watched his father turn and stare out the window at the trees. Carefully putting his words together and considering what to say.

“This answer requires some very adult discussion so if you have any questions be sure to stop me and ask okay?” Robert nodded his head. “In order to properly answer your question I need to talk through a little background first, so that you can understand how things developed in my mind. We have to take a step back and look at all the issues that surround the question to get a complete view.” Charlie leaned back in his chair and began, he spoke softly. “See, to answer this question in the way that you deserve we must discuss the things that matter to us and why they matter. I’ll start by telling you the things that are most important in my life… You Robert are the most important thing in my life. The second is God, the master of the universe, and third is my work. The first two, you and God, are to me really one and the same. God has given me a gift in you and I thank him everyday for your life. You are a testament to an amazing God and I love him for it as much as I love you. You and God in my life, this occupies my priorities and drives the decisions I make everyday.

To know that I love you and God is simple enough, but to know why I love work is much more difficult. I’m going to talk about something now that might startle you a bit but there is no need to worry as I’ll explain… I will not live forever Robert. Our lives as people are very short compared to the vastness of time and history. Our God has made it this way for a reason. Our lives therefore take on a unique importance. While you may feel that each day lasts an eternity, especially during school, you will look back on this time as being spent like the blink of an eye. What I’m trying to tell you is that each day is very very special. Can you see how making the most of each day becomes important?” Robert nodded his head. “Good, now that we have established that each day maintains special importance I want to move onto what is to be done with these important days. During your life Robert you will be faced with making decisions as to how to spend your days. The world is filled with people whose lives will be over before they know it… always putting off for tomorrow what should be done today. This is a great tragedy Son. Our task, here during this life, is to fill our days with meaning. While each person is special and unique, meaning is not automatically given to a life because it exists. Meaning is made. It is worked on. It is created from in your soul. It is a life long process that must be constantly maintained. Robert, what I’m telling you is, that by all means, do not waste the fact that you exist.”

Charlie paused and said “Are you bored Son? Do I sound like your school teacher?”

“No father, I want you to finish. I’m okay, I want to listen.”

Charlie smiled, took a sip of coffee and continued.

“To add meaning to ones life is not easy. There are many things that distract and pull us away from our efforts to add meaning. First, we must try and understand what is meaning and where we should seek it. Understand that meaning is a highly personal thing Robert. It is different for each person. Many people spend their lives searching for the things that they feel let them give and receive meaning. I have found that in my life meaning comes only from amazing and exceptional effort. Listen carefully now Robert… we must spend our lives doing extraordinary things. We must spend our days adding meaning to our life and the world by doing wonderful and remarkable things. To me Robert, beauty is the means by which I add significance to my life. Your existence is beautiful Son… I also try everyday to create and bring into existence beautiful buildings. Now, to finally answer your question, I work so much because my life was not intended to pay bills and strive for a comfortable living. My life was intended to be extraordinary by working hard to accomplish difficult but important things. To rest during the vastness of time, not during my brief and fleeting life. I have found that to be your father and to have you in my life is an amazing thing in and of itself. It is also amazing to work and create beauty from nothing more than one’s soul… to make something from nothing. Your life Robert, and my work in architecture gives my life meaning, and I have thanked God for it many many times. The results of my efforts, with you and at work, lead to extraordinary significance and satisfaction in my life. Knowing this, I try and approach each day with the urgency and importance that it deserves considering the grand scheme of my existence. I also know that within these two remarkable realities, your life and beauty, there is only love and respect. Two of the most essential elements to a life of meaning.”

Charlie stopped and looked out the window, perfectly still. He heard the birds sing and took a deep breath. He looked for some time then turned toward Robert misty eyed.

“I’m finished now Son, are you still awake? You have listened very patiently and I’m proud of you.”

“Thank you Father, this has been one of the best talk sessions.”

“Until next time that is.” Charlie replied with a smile.

“Now, go put your shoes on and lets go for a walk and get some lunch before I have to go up to the office.”